Saturday, June 23, 2012

Finn Connor Morehouse

He's here! Born Friday, June 22, 2012 at 1:40am. Weighing in at a whopping 8lbs 2oz and 19 1/4" long. Finn was actually born on his due date, which is rare (only happens about 5% of the time). He is also going to be forever known as my water baby.

Contractions started around 2:30pm on Thursday. They were mild, but I stayed laying in bed most of the afternoon. I decided that taking a bath might make me feel more relaxed, and it did. Later on in the evening, they were still coming pretty frequent (about every 10 mins.) and getting a little hard to breath through so I got in the bath one last time after Brigs went to bed. I got out of the tub, got dressed, and told my mom and Carolyn I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to go to the hospital.

Mom drove me to Lawrence Memorial and I got upstairs into a room and hooked up to monitors by 10pm. I was dilated to about a 5 at that point. Contractions were tracking about every 5 mins. I decided to try out the jacuzzi since I didn't have to be hooked up to fluids or anything by I.V. this time. Then, got out so the nurse could monitor the baby and recheck me. I was almost dilated to a 6.

I looked at the clock and noticed it was after midnight and was thinking to myself, "It's his due date!" I bounced on the birthing ball for a little bit, then decided the jacuzzi sounded good again. Mom moved her chair into the bathroom and we were just talking about how we couldn't wait until the moment when they would hand the baby up to me after delivery. As soon as we said that I had a very intense contraction that I almost couldn't get through. My phone was also ringing (it was Ted, who was on his way driving back from Canon City) but neither mom nor I could answer it. He called back a minute later to say he was to Colorado Springs and I told him I thought the baby was going to come very soon. (Going back and checking my phone, this was around 12:50am) Mom went and got the nurse to help me out of the jacuzzi and onto the edge of the bed. I was at a 7, but she said the baby was right there. They called the doctor to come in.

 Lots of nurses started getting things ready and they made me get up on the bed so I'd be ready for pushing. Ted called at 1:26am and stayed on speaker phone the rest of the time. He said later it was super hard to listen to everything going on and not be able to be there. But so glad he got to witness over the phone at least! When Dr. Kimuri got there my nurse went to hand her something, but ended up spilling water all over her instead and said, "You look like your water broke!) I thought she was talking to me, but then a moment later the doctor broke my water (a lot of relief!), and said next contraction I could push.

So I did! Then I remembered I wanted a mirror to help me see the progress so they got one, I pushed and saw the crowing of the head. The next push Finn's head was out (along with a huge gush of water that got everyone I think), the next push the rest of his body was out, and at the same time I threw up. This caused lots of laughter from the nurses and myself. They put him up on my chest and I was describing him to Ted, when all of a sudden Finn peed all over me! This caused even more laughing. Oh Finn, the water baby :) My mom was so excited to be a part of it, she got to cut the cord, which I think made her life!

He is perfect! I'm sitting in the hospital right now, my last night here. It's just me and Finn tonight. Ted decided to stay with Brigs at home and give Carolyn a little break. I'll probably get dismissed around lunch-time tomorrow. I have yet to get some pictures posted online, but this laptop doesn't have a card reader, so looks like you'll have to wait until I get home!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Due date week is here!

Well, I can't hardly believe it, but Friday is my actual due date! Will baby come before then? We shall see!! So a little update on what's been going on this last month....May 14th Ted left for a 6 week long field camp that started in Utah and moved to Canon City, CO. I kept really busy the first couple weeks he was gone, taking Brigs to play dates, library events, grandparents house, having people visit, etc. Ted's mom, Carolyn, came out the first week in June to stay for the rest of the time Ted would be gone. We're staying very busy with projects around the yard. The garden looks amazing as ever!
Last week I started having some contractions that were a little bit different and happening more frequently than I was used to. I was also having sharp pains that wouldn't go away. After making a call to Ted, he said he was going to come home, and he took the latest plane he could get on to that night. He showed up in the middle of the night. I was soooo relieved to have him back! It had been the longest we have gone without seeing each other since we met!
We thought, "Ok, labor is looking like it's going to start..." But at my doctor's appointment a day later I was only dilated to a 3, with 70% effacement. Measuring quite a bit lower (32? or 34? weeks as opposed to 38 like I should have been) so the doctor ordered an ultrasound to check baby's fluid and other measurements. Everything was fine, so it appears that the baby had just dropped since the previous week. Also, the sono-tech kind of scared me with the news that the baby is probably about 7.5-7.9 lbs already...quite a bit bigger than Brigs was! But, I guess if she's right this babe might not look like his limbs are sticks.
We got some sad news when Ted found out Saturday that he would have to return to field camp and finish the last project or he wouldn't pass the class. Which meant, he would have to do this all over again next summer...and his graduation would have to be pushed back until he completed this class....and that could mean possibly affecting when/if he gets into grad school. So major bummer. It was a very hard decision to make, but after thinking it over, trying to come up with other options, and praying about it, we decided that he should go back today and whatever happens this week, well...he'll be home by Friday at least. :( My mom came down tonight and said she would go to the hospital with me if I go into labor before Ted gets home. We sent a laptop with him and might have to Skype during delivery which will be quite a story to tell. But who knows what will happen. Baby might decide that he will wait until his daddy's back to get here.

Morehice Meet-up

It's a new year, and I do feel refreshed and energized! I think that's partly due to this past week of reflection, rest...