Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Beating the Houston heat

Thought I'd update everyone on what we've been up to. We have a lengthy list of projects we've completed, but the one I'd like to share is our gnome kingdom. We've discovered that every plant (in the gnome section) loves to die in this weather, so the ones that have survived are the succulents and a few natives that I'm nursing back from wilt every day with a jug full of water :( The boys have been making tiny gardens of their own, and then placing them around the yard. Here's a few photos I snapped of our magical little land.
This is a mom design.

Cowboy gnome has eggs and cabbages for sale. And the most sought after cottage in all of Gnometopia!

Just outside of the castle grounds lies a unicorn flower garden.

Briggs' very own design

Finn's dino garden that he named, "Party"

I'm having fun learning about fall gardening here, and am slowly planting things that are appropriate for the season. So far: tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins, cukes, okra, and zucchini squash. I'm even trying my hand at a couple citrus trees. The hummingbirds are supposed to be on there way this month, so I'm keeping my feeder fresh to lure them into the yard. I've strategically placed my plants in a way that I'll be able to squeeze in as many as I can. Will be using the wall to trellis, and train some to go different ways, and grow under taller plants..hopefully without crowding each other out too bad!
First attempt at raised bed gardening...sure takes some getting used to!

It's no surprise that swimming is a part of our daily lives. We have the pool, twirling sprinkler, and wiggly noodle sprinkler to choose from. But after about an hour, the water starts feeling like you're in a hot tub.The boys were excited because today we found new swim trunks: SuperMan and SpiderMan...their recent obsessions.
Twirly sprinkler plus the pool!

Also, Ted and I have decided to start a cooperative (parent owned) preschool for the neighborhood/surrounding areas. We are meeting with other parents this week to discuss our short term goals and develop a solid plan. I'm thrilled to be a part of this!

That's about all I have time for today, so fare thee well.

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